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name of the project

Description of your project. Write an abstract to present your work and its context. Click "Edit Text" or double-click the text box to get started.

name of the project

Project description. Present your work and its context in a few lines. To get started, double-click on the text box or click on “Edit Text”.

name of the project

Description of your project. Write an abstract to present your work and its context. Click "Edit Text" or double-click the text box to get started.

name of the project

Project description. Double click on the text box to start.

name of the project

Description of your project. Write an abstract to present your work and its context. Click "Edit Text" or double-click the text box to get started.

name of the project

Project description. Present your work and its context in a few lines. To get started, click "Edit Text" or double-click the text box.

Contact: Climate Dialogues coordinator

CAN-RAC dialogues climat quebec
copticom dialogues climat quebec
FTQ dialogues climat quebec
ENJEU dialogues climat quebec

Partner organizations

David_suzuki dialogues climat quebec
oxfam-quebec dialogues climat quebec
realite-climatique dialogues climat quebec

Financial partners 

Udem logo.png
David_suzuki dialogues climat quebec
fondation trottier.png
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