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Mission and context

What are the Climate Dialogues?

Aiming to demonstrate a consensus on the need for raising climate ambition to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement , the Climate Dialogues form a two-week event by offering a host of intersectoral meetings in a program supported and co-created by civil society groups in Quebec. By federating spaces for exchanges in parallel with international climate negotiations, the Climate Dialogues facilitate the participation of civil society – too often compromised by numerous barriers – in these major climate events.

For the 2nd edition, the Climate Dialogues will also be held before and after the 27th Conference of the Parties (CdP-27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in order to prepare Quebec civil society for this highlight of the international climate agenda, to provide tools to limit global warming below 1.5°C and to continue the mobilization.


The Conferences of the Parties (CdP) or Conferences of the Parties (COP) are pivotal moments in diplomacy and international cooperation in the fight against the climate crisis.  Historically, during these summits on the climate, the mobilization of civil society has largely contributed to generating increased climate ambition and to reducing the gap between the delegations participating in the formal negotiation spaces and those observing.


And COP-27?

COP-27 will be a crucial moment to assess whether States have kept their promises, whether they have been able to present more ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), in order to limit global warming to 1.5°C . COP-27 will also be an opportunity to ensure that all voices are heard globally to advance climate justice.

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Three axes of programming 

Breakfast panels

The day opens with a discussion with people who are experts in a specific climate-related issue in order to offer a popularization workshop on the major themes on the daily agenda of COP-27. The breakfast panel proposes to link climate negotiations to local issues in Quebec by discussing with the participants, mobilizing them and identifying possible solutions. 

Debriefing sessions

People report daily on events, announcements and the progress of live negotiations from COP-27 in Egypt, while answering questions from civil society. These “debriefing” sessions see the emergence of new collaborations and mobilization strategies to challenge the general public, decision-makers and other stakeholders  of influence in climate matters.

Major meetings

The Major civil society meetings are an opportunity to offer rich and diversified panels led by the partner organizations of the Climate Dialogues, their members and their partners as well as citizens who wish to get involved. The key themes of climate policy are explored in depth, and levers for action to raise the ambition of Quebec and Canada are explored.

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Three principles 

Diversity of programming to foster inclusion

Free to actively participate in meetings

Accessibility to the event for people who have difficulty joining a virtual event. Activities mainly in French, with the possibility of including English-speaking communities

Contact: Climate Dialogues coordinator

Partner organizations

copticom dialogues climat quebec
David_suzuki dialogues climat quebec
oxfam-quebec dialogues climat quebec
ENJEU dialogues climat quebec
realite-climatique dialogues climat quebec
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CAN-RAC dialogues climat quebec
FTQ dialogues climat quebec
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Financial partners 

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CAN-RAC dialogues climat quebec
David_suzuki dialogues climat quebec
Udem logo.png
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