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Évènement de clôture de la 2ème édition des Dialogues pour le climat

12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. ET - VIDEO CONFERENCE

Comm and COP: Making noise to be heard

Alors que l’année 2022 s’est achevée par deux sommets mondiaux sur le climat et la biodiversité, il est primordial de se questionner sur le futur des promesses et des engagements faits par les 197 pays signataires de la Convention Cadre des Nations Unies sur les Changements Climatiques (CCNUCC). Création d’un fonds spécifique aux pertes et préjudices, apport de 10M$ du Québec au Fonds pour l’adaptation aux changements climatiques des Nations unies, le lancement du programme Action-Climat-Québec ou encore l’adhésion du Canada à la déclaration commune des importateurs et des exportateurs d’énergie sur la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre provenant des combustibles fossiles : qu’est-ce que ces engagements concrets pris par le gouvernement fédéral et provincial lors de la CdP-27 signifient concrètement et comment vont-ils se traduire à l’échelle domestique ? Comment préparer le terrain pour une meilleure ambition climatique, portant notamment sur les mécanismes d’un fonds pour les pertes et dommages et sur l’utilisation des énergies fossiles, d’ici la COP-28 ?

Animé par Leila Copti, fondatrice et présidente de COPTICOM

Clemence Lalloz

Co-founder of Unpointfive

With her 10 years of agency experience acquired in Spain, France and Montreal, Clémence is the web ninja at Unpointcinq. A seasoned fighter, she skilfully combines business issues and user experiences, but has a hard time getting rid of a language tic, the French expression “du coup”. Suddenly, she relaxes with knitting and baking (she has made many friends thanks to her famous financiers). Passionate about the challenge of climate change and motivated by the innovative approach of Unpointcinq, well, suddenly she embarked on the adventure without hesitation.

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Eddy Perez

Director of International Climate Diplomacy at Climate Action Network Canada

Eddy Pérez joined the Climate Action Network in January 2018 after working in Geneva with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He is currently Director of International Climate Diplomacy for Climate Action Network Canada. He is also a lecturer at the University of Montreal.


Clemence Lalloz

Co-founder of Unpointfive

With her 10 years of agency experience acquired in Spain, France and Montreal, Clémence is the web ninja at Unpointcinq. A seasoned fighter, she skilfully combines business issues and user experiences, but has a hard time getting rid of a language tic, the French expression “du coup”. Suddenly, she relaxes with knitting and baking (she has made many friends thanks to her famous financiers). Passionate about the challenge of climate change and motivated by the innovative approach of Unpointcinq, well, suddenly she embarked on the adventure without hesitation.


Clemence Lalloz

Co-founder of Unpointfive

Alexandre Gajevic Sayegh travaille sur les politiques climatiques et la transition juste au Canada. Ses recherches actuelles portent sur la politique des changements climatiques, la transition énergétique, la tarification du carbone et l’économie verte. 

Discover the 2022 edition

Browse the program on our site or download the program in PDF format

Coinciding with the dates of COP27, the Climate Dialogues offers a completely free program accessible online with some events also in person. All events are on registration. The majority events will be held in French, but simultaneous interpretation in English will be offered in some cases. 

The registration links can be found by clicking on the theme days.

How can we work together to keep the 1.5 degree goal alive and build a future of social justice for current and future generations? Let's start thinking about this important question together by joining the Climate Dialogues team to participate in the second edition, from November 7 to 18, 2022.

Thanks to the critical perspectives of our exceptional panelists, you will be able to closely follow international negotiations and understand the issues at the heart of the discussions in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

Join us to learn more!


Some events will be held in English and French, a simultaneous translation service in both languages will be provided. To find out which ones, read the event details.

Live from COP27

Actes des dialogues 2022

couverture Dialogues2

Contact: Climate Dialogues coordinator

Partner organizations

copticom dialogues climat quebec
David_suzuki dialogues climat quebec
oxfam-quebec dialogues climat quebec
ENJEU dialogues climat quebec
realite-climatique dialogues climat quebec
Udem logo.png
CAN-RAC dialogues climat quebec
FTQ dialogues climat quebec
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Financial partners 

fondation trottier.png
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CAN-RAC dialogues climat quebec
David_suzuki dialogues climat quebec
Udem logo.png
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