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Monday November 14

Water & Gender
8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. ET VIDEO CONFERENCE

Gender mainstreaming for transformative climate action

12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. ET VIDEO CONFERENCE

COP-27 debriefing session


How to guarantee access to drinking water to communities vulnerable to climate change?

🌍 Available in english


8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. ET VIDEOCONFERENCING

Gender mainstreaming for transformative climate action

Gender minorities are both the most affected by the consequences of climate change, but also the most concerned and proactive in the daily struggle. Numerous studies have shown that the presence of women in decision-making bodies improves results in terms of resource governance and environmental conservation. It is in this perspective that the issue of gender integration appears essential for transformative climate action. Where does Quebec stand on gender equity? Does Canadian policy promote the full emancipation of vulnerable communities, such as the 2SLGBTQ+ community, indigenous peoples or women, in climate action?


Marianne Sarah Saulnier

For more than 10 years now, Marianne has devoted her research to projects dealing with the issues and realities of historically discriminated against populations and the reduction of social and organizational inequalities. With a doctorate in anthropology, she is currently completing postdoctoral research at McGill University on the impact of climate change on social inequalities as well as on how climate migration increases gender-based violence.
In recent years, she has coordinated several projects aimed at greater equality, diversity and inclusion within various organizations, particularly in the health sector and in the Quebec education system. Alongside her research, she has been a member of the Conseil des Montréalaises since 2021.


Mollie Dujardin

Always looking to the future, Mollie Dujardin is deeply guided by her feminist convictions, it is impossible not to notice the vivacity that animates her when it comes to it. With a masters degree in international studies, she has worked for 5 years in the field of youth political engagement, international development and communications. She fundamentally believes that you have to get involved in civic life if you want to bring about real change and move towards social equality. Mollie believes that the involvement of women is essential in climate action. With her feet rooted in Quebec society, a vibrant heart for the feminist struggle and a head oriented towards the world, she is delighted to be part of the COP27 youth delegation.


Amandine Gournay

A graduate of the master's degree in Environmental Management and Applied Policy from the University of Sherbrooke, Amandine conducted her essay on ecofeminism and has since participated in various panels and conferences on the subject. In addition, she was part of a finalist duo in the Canadian final of the Map the System 2021 competition, with a research project focusing on gender and climate change. She wishes to invest in an inclusive and equitable ecological transition and is convinced that the response to the climate crisis must be intersectional. She is now a sustainable development advisor for the Network of Women in the Environment and its Quebec Council for Eco-responsible Events. 

12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. ET VIDEO CONFERENCE

November 14 debriefing

We find our team on site in Egypt for a report on this seventh opening day, which aims to welcome leaders from around the world to the Conference of the Parties to present high-level ambitions and actions with a view to maintain a 1.5°C threshold within reach, adapt to protect communities and natural habitats and mobilize funding.  These sessions will certainly see the emergence of new collaborations and strategies mobilization of members of civil society. They make it possible to ensure greater transparency between the “in camera” discussions of the negotiators and the rest of the population, in addition to reducing the risk of a gap between the discourse and the international commitments of those elected and their practices.


How to guarantee access to drinking water to communities vulnerable to climate change?

Quebec has 3% of the world's renewable freshwater resources, while only 0.1% of the world's population lives in this territory. Despite the abundance of fresh water in Quebec, where only 0.5% of the volume of water available on the territory is withdrawn (compared to 11% in OECD countries), some regions of the province could find themselves in a situation of drinking water shortage. The first to be affected by this inequity in access to quality drinking water are women and Aboriginal communities. Climate change could exacerbate some of the already critical situations in some communities. Flash floods, tornadoes, hurricanes or drought: to what extent are these extreme events likely to impact the quality of fresh water in Quebec? Why is this vulnerability uneven among communities and how can it be remedied?

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Elsa Beaulieu Bastien

Feminist researcher and organizer active for 18 years and elsewhere, notably with the Carrefour de participation ressourcement et formation (CPRF).


Rebecca Petrin

Holder of a bachelors degree in biology and a masters degree in environmental management, Rébecca Pétrin has been fighting to protect the environment in the community for nearly 10 years. Since 2019, she has been Managing Director of Eau Secours for the promotion of responsible water management and access to it for all. Ms. Pétrin is also involved in nature conservation, in particular, since 2015, at the Société pour la conservation de la tourbière de Lanoraie. In the past, she notably had the opportunity to work as a political attaché in the ministerial cabinet for the environment.


Charlene Winger Jones Water Walker

Charlene Winger Jones is a water walker, she walks for water. She walked in ceremonial form along the Bruce Trail, a 740 km walking trail used by her people since time immemorial for trade, at the rate of approximately 20 km a day and a 6 week commitment. She also participates in community events on the environment and water, asserting Indigenous rights, and serves on the Nawash Hereditary Council as head of the Jones family. She is proud to be a 2019 Minneapolis-trained Climate Reality Ambassador, and she wants to create greater water awareness.


Elsa Beaulieu Bastien

Feminist researcher and organizer active for 18 years and elsewhere, notably with the Carrefour de participation ressourcement et formation (CPRF).


Vladimir Arana

Program Coordinator at the International Secretariat for Water

Vladimir Arana, is currently the Program Coordinator at the Montreal-based International Secretariat for Water from 2013 to present, working on water governance projects with the Mohawk indigenous people at the Canada-US border, with indigenous peoples indigenous Quechua and Aymara in the Andes, as well as with West Africa and Central Asia. Previously, he was Senior Advisor to CAF-Development Bank of Latin America (2010-2012), Advisor to the Vice-Minister of the Environment of Peru (2008-2009), General Director of Urban Planning and of the Environment of the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation of Peru (2006-2008), consultant to the Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion (CONDESAN), and the Advisory Group for Agricultural Research (CGIAR-CIP) (2004-2005), advisor to CARE International (2000-2003), as well as university professor in Peru, Finland and Canada. He has published books on water, sanitation and territorial development.

Contact: Climate Dialogues coordinator

Partner organizations

copticom dialogues climat quebec
David_suzuki dialogues climat quebec
oxfam-quebec dialogues climat quebec
ENJEU dialogues climat quebec
realite-climatique dialogues climat quebec
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CAN-RAC dialogues climat quebec
FTQ dialogues climat quebec
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Financial partners 

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