8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. ET - VIDEO CONFERENCE
Climate ambition breakfast
Exploding heat records in Europe, deadly floods in Pakistan or torrential rains in the United States, the year 2022 has again alarmed us about what could become usual in the coming decades. After a COP26 with strong climate ambitions, it is essential that COP27 keeps this same leitmotiv! And yes, keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial levels requires revising its greenhouse gas reduction targets upwards. Join our Climate Ambition Breakfast to learn more about climate change issues and international climate negotiations.

Caroline Brouillette
National Policy Director at Climate Action Network Canada
Caroline is National Policy Director at Climate Action Network Canada, the largest network of organizations working on climate change and energy issues in Canada. She is also a contributor to the magazine L'Actualité, where she writes on climate issues, and sits on the management committee of the Société de la nature et des parcs du Québec. Caroline holds a Masters in Public Policy from the University of Singapore, where she specialized in economic analysis.

Marouane Joundi
Project manager at Fondation Rivières
Holder of a master degree in political science from the University of Montreal, Marouane is interested in social movements, their media reception and their conditions of success in influencing public policies. A year after his arrival in Quebec, the young man from Morocco is involved in the movement for climate action, in particular as co-spokesperson for the collective La Planète s'invite à l'Université à la Marche mondial for the 2019 climate. Marouane joined Fondation Rivières this year.

Philippe Lapointe
Communications Advisor at FTQ Construction

Kanahsohon Kevin Deer
Mohaw Community of Kahnawake
For the past 30 years, he has been involved in the preservation and revitalization of the Mohawk language. He is also the guardian of spiritual knowledge at the Mohawk Trail longhouse, which involves knowledge of sacred songs, dances and rituals
We find our team on site in Egypt for an assessment of this first opening day which aims to welcome leaders from around the world to the Conference of the Parties so that they present high-level ambitions and actions with a view to maintain a 1.5°C threshold within reach, adapt to protect communities and natural habitats and mobilize funding. These sessions will certainly see the emergence of new collaborations and strategies mobilization of members of civil society. They make it possible to ensure greater transparency between the “in camera” discussions of the negotiators and the rest of the population, in addition to reducing the risk of a gap between the discourse and the international commitments of those elected and their practices.
2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET VIDEO CONFERENCE
30 years of climate summits: what horizons for COP27?
The year 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its 27th Conference of the Parties (COP). After three decades of climate negotiations, several questions arise: what were the major advances made during these numerous climate meetings? What are the major challenges of this year's COP? What is the implication for civil society in these negotiations? This event will therefore shed light on the role of the COPs to date in the fight against climate change as well as on the prospects for progress that will take place this year in Sharm el-Sheikh.

Annie Chaloux
Associate Professor at the School of Applied Politics at the University of Sherbrooke
Director of the Climatoscope

Martin Portocarrero
Environmental and youth program manager at AQOCI

Géraud de Lassus Saint-Geniès
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Laval
Holder of a master's degree in international relations from the University of Montreal, Martín currently works as a program manager at the Quebec Association of International Cooperation Organizations (AQOCI). In particular, he is responsible for the Québec sans frontières (QSF) program. On the occasion of COP27, he will be in charge of coordinating an AQOCI youth delegation.
Géraud de Lassus St-Geniès is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Law of Laval University, where he teaches environmental law and climate change law. Holder of a doctorate in law (Université Laval, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), he was a postdoctoral researcher for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada at the Faculty of Law of McGill University and at the Center for International Governance Innovation. .
Annie Chaloux holds a doctorate from the National School of Public Administration and a master's degree in applied political studies from the University of Sherbrooke. His research focuses on international environmental agreements, multi-level climate governance, environmental politics and paradiplomacy, and international climate negotiations. She is also co-executive director of GÉRIQ and the Integrated Environment, Health and Society Research Center (PIRESS).