8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. ET
The International Climate Finance Breakfast
With COP27 under the Egyptian presidency, this year more than ever the issue of raising funds for developing countries is at the center of the climate debate. By announcing in 2021 that it would double its participation in international climate finance to $5.3 billion, Canada has responded to the demand for greater climate ambition. But how did the country deliver on this promise? Will financial support from the richest countries be enough to mitigate emissions in the Global South? Come and learn more about the challenges of international climate finance!

Eddy Perez
Eddy Pérez joined the Climate Action Network in January 2018 after working in Geneva with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He is currently Director of International Climate Diplomacy for Climate Action Network Canada. He is also a lecturer at the University of Montreal.

Denis Cote
Denis Côté has been a policy analyst at the Quebec Association of International Cooperation Organizations (AQOCI) since September 2015.
Within the network, he works on issues related to human rights, women's rights and gender equality, the environment, climate justice, corporate accountability and aid, among others. international. Before joining AQOCI, Denis worked for six years at the Canadian Council for International Cooperation (CCIC), now called Cooperation Canada, as coordinator of the Asia Task Force.
12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. ET VIDEO CONFERENCE
November 9 debriefing
We find our team on site in Egypt for a report on this third opening day which aims to welcome leaders from around the world to the Conference of the Parties so that they present high-level ambitions and actions with a view to maintain a 1.5°C threshold within reach, adapt to protect communities and natural habitats and mobilize funding. These sessions will certainly see the emergence of new collaborations and strategies mobilization of members of civil society. They make it possible to ensure greater transparency between the “in camera” discussions of the negotiators and the rest of the population, in addition to reducing the risk of a gap between the discourse and the international commitments of those elected and their practices.
3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET VIDEO CONFERENCE
A Stable Low-Carbon Financial System: Is It Really Possible?
Redirecting investments that are high emitters of greenhouse gases towards clean and sustainable investments: this is the challenge for Canadian finance to meet its climate commitments. Financial institutions, both public and private, are becoming aware that they are on the front lines of climate risk. The world is seeing new economic initiatives from central banks, financial regulators and private actors. What about the GFANZ [Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero], the initiative to accelerate the decarbonization of the financial sector by 2050, which was launched a few months before the COP26 summit in Glasgow? Are Canadian banks ready to join the UN's "net zero" club? Come and ask for ambitious and coherent legislation for Canada to become a leader in this new low-carbon economy.

Rosa Galvez
The Honorable Rosa Galvez is an environmental engineer, independent senator from Quebec and chair of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change. She was a professor at Laval University in Quebec for more than 25 years and headed the civil and water engineering department from 2011 to 2017. She specializes in soil and water decontamination, waste management, impact and climate risk assessment on infrastructure. In the Senate, she sits on the Standing Committee on National Finance and the Standing Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources, having chaired the latter from 2017 to 2019.

Lea Pelletier-Marcotte
Léa Pelletier Marcotte is a political analyst at Oxfam-Québec. A lawyer by training, she worked for five years in the defense of rights and the development of human rights advocacy, both locally and internationally. She holds a bachelor's degree in civil law and common law (BCL/LL.B., 2016) from McGill University, a bachelor's degree in international relations and international law (BA, 2009) and a master's in international politics and international law (MA, 2011) from the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQÀM). She is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science and Law at UQÀM.

Sebastien Collard
Sébastien Collard is a worker in the health network who launched a campaign in 2014 to get fossil fuels out of his pension fund (RREGOP) managed by the Caisse de depot et placement du Québec (CDPQ). As spokesperson for the Sortons la Caisse du Carbone coalition, he helped calculate and publish the returns on fossil fuel investments at the Caisse between 2010 and today. In the process that led to the divestment of oil and coal at the CDPQ, he paid particular attention to joining the major labor organizations in the movement. The coalition welcomed the CDPQ's announcement to exit from oil and coal by the end of 2022 and is continuing the work by demanding in particular the exit from the exploitation of gas and the transport sector from fossil fuels.

Daniel Simard
Daniel Simard was General Manager of Bâtirente from 1996 to 2021. He retired in June 2022 after having acted as special advisor to Bâtirente management. The Bâtirente retirement system is intended for unions affiliated with the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN) and their members and today has more than 25,000 active, inactive and retired participants. Its assets under management are around $900 million. From March to August 2022, Daniel served as Interim Managing Director of Æquo Shareholder Engagement Services where he serves as a management advisor.

Diego Creimer
Diego is responsible for natural climate solutions and government relations at CPAWS Quebec.