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Click here to send your complaints! 

Generation Futures delegation 

On the occasion of COP-26 (COP26), we would like to amplify the voice of young people - YOUR voice - thanks to the Future Generations Delegation!

The term “ future generation ” appears in the definition of sustainable development and in general in political discourse on the climate future as being a central element. However, these famous “future generations”, including young people, children and students, are very little listened to or even heard by these same decision-makers.


Alexandra Nadeau- Head of the Delegation of Future Generations for Oxfam-Quebec

Alex beauce .png

Geneviève-Gaël - Coordinator  Public engagement

oxfam-quebec dialogues climat quebec

Amplify our voice

Oxfam-Québec is committed to amplifying the voice of people mobilized for climate justice. The organization has given itself the mandate of supporting and facilitating the carrying out of advocacy for the influence of the “Future Generations” delegation for decision-makers present in the Youth Tribune.​



The objective of our collective is to create cooperative, participatory, environmental, decolonial, inclusive and horizontal projects according to three predefined pillars: education, art and militant action.

Anne Hamon

Martinez - Member of the Ecothèque


Marion Bonnet - Member of the Ecothèque

Quentin Lehmann - Member of the Ecothèque


Leeloo Vernet - Member of the Ecothèque


Oxfam-Québec and Écothèque de l'Université de Montréal, in collaboration with the Collectif de la société civile québécoise-COP26 *, set up the “Delegation of future generations” bringing together some twenty young people involved in the climate.

After having attended the activities of the Dialogues for the climate and having collected complaints and recommendations, the members of this delegation will present the fruit of their collaborative work to the Tribune of future generations , on November 11 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., in order to express and to make their voices heard among elected politicians and influential university members in Quebec and Canada.

Amplify our voices!

Let's set up a dialogue for the climate and give a voice to young people from all walks of life, which too often is sidelined especially in events such as COP-26.
Ambition is not a utopia if it is supported, shared and supported.

We refuse to believe that we are facing a future defined in advance, the IPCC report reminds us that it is still possible to get out of the climate crisis. The environmental future cannot be undoubtedly in vain and consequently, it is not naive to want to act, to get involved, to militate or to want to present one's ideas, action plans for a better future.





* YMCAs of Quebec initiative, in partnership with the Federation of Workers of Quebec, Climate Action Network Canada and Oxfam-Quebec.


The term “future generation” appeared 30 years ago. It is used more recently in political discourse on the climate future as a central element.


On the occasion of COP-26, the delegation wishes to hear the grievances and recommendations of these generations.  

Come file complaint YOUR YOUR wish and / or YOUR recommendation in connection with the climate crisis and climate justice, which will form the heart of C ahiers grievances Future Generations .  


Express yourself! It is our future that is at stake. Let's build it together. 

Write your grievances and your


Usual, gen. in plur . Complaint oral or written exposing a complaint seeking compensation or just to share a misfortune, a misfortune.

Ancre 1

I would like to file a complaint, make known a misfortune

Why is climate action important to you? Tell your story! You are studying agriculture, and global warming risks drowning your future professional? The eco anxiety  don't let go? 

I would like to submit a wish, a vision

What solutions would you like to see developed regarding social and environmental transition? How do you imagine a world that has successfully transitioned and conquered global warming?

I would like to make a recommendation

The aim here is to offer concrete recommendations intended directly for decision-makers, elected officials and others. Example: declaring a state of climate emergency and mobilizing all available resources to develop a just transition plan.

Participate in the COP-26 Forum

A participatory space for discussions and debates, at the pace of COP-26, on the themes addressed (or not!)

Ancre 2
De quoi souhaitez vous discuter ? DGF.JPG

And you ?  What debate would you like to start?

During COP-26, many themes and issues will be discussed, whether at the negotiating table or even in the various activities of the Climate Dialogues! The “Forum of future generations” is a space for discussions between all (young and old) to deepen the issues addressed or not at COP-26.


Share what matters to you about our environmental future!

How it works ?

The forum will be fed daily by the Delegation of Future Generations.  Participate and come and interact on the issues that interest you the most!

Discussions will be divided into these categories:  

Science and Innovation

Youth and citizen power




Adaptation losses and damages


Any other topic not addressed in COP-26 

Cities, regions
& construction
our environment

Register for the Future Generations Delegation

Form a delegation of young people (or not so young!) Who will participate in the conferences led by the climate dialogues, listen to the debriefings of the negotiations, take notes, write recommendations and participate in the forum!


Passionate about the environment, thirsty for equality and recognition, motivated, determined to push for better climate action in Canada: join the Delegation of future generations! 

After having attended the activities of the Dialogues for the climate and having collected complaints and recommendations, the members of this delegation will present the fruit of their collaborative work to the Tribune of future generations , on November 11 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., in order to express and to make their voices heard among elected politicians and influential university members in Quebec and Canada.


Who are the people who are part of the Delegation of Future Generations?  


Those involved in the delegation will be supported by  Oxfam -Québec and sensitized to the challenges of COP-26. 

“Far from being disinterested in politics, we - the young people - are also on the front lines when it comes to environmental justice. All over the world, we are organizing ourselves, we are boycotting lessons by calling for a future unscathed by climate change, for example via  Friday For Future . In an intergenerational spirit, we would like to bring together these young people (and not so young!) Eager to commit to amplifying their voice in a special delegation:  the Delegation of Future Generations.


We want to be able to dialogue with influential people to present our solutions and recommendations to the issues discussed at COP26. We want to take part in the big decisions that affect our future! "  

                                              The Ecothèque

Des militants de l'environnement manifestent

Our mission 

Oxfam-Québec will support members of the Delegation of Future Generations who want to carry out some or all of its mandates. Financial compensation will be offered to members.

October 25-29

Participate in a follow-up meeting  

Train on:  

  • Oxfam reports on the subject and understand  Oxfam's positioning on  challenges related to COP26 

  • The tools and methodology for collecting learning and capitalizing on  proposed knowledge (questions  learning, note book templates,  data gathering) 

November 1-5

according to the themes and the days chosen.

Participate in the event "Dialogues for the climate"  

Participate in daily debriefing, knowledge capitalization and writing meetings  recommendations 

From 8 to 12 November, depending on the themes and the days chosen  

Participate in the event "Dialogues for the climate"  

Participate in daily debriefing, knowledge capitalization and writing meetings  recommendations  


Co-write the grievances and recommendations books . This document will be the synthesis of the recommendations and the grievances collected throughout the COP-26 with the other members.  delegation and the responsible consultant, while respecting both the ideas  put forward by the delegation and positioning of CSCQ Cdp-26 partners and  "Climate Dialogues"  

Participate in the influential event La Tribune des Générations Futures  at the end of the Climate Dialogues and present the  summary document of recommendations to decision-makers present 


Take part in the Generation Futures Forum

On November 11, the Delegation will state and defend our recommendations and grievances before influential people. 

On November 11, take part in the Forum of Future Generations, a flagship event of the Climate Dialogues!


During this event, a dialogue will be initiated between members of the Delegation of Future Generations and decision-makers, decision-makers, elected officials, members of the academic community, professors, and many others.

The recommendations drafted by the delegation, as well as the grievances collected across Quebec, will be presented there, and will be a source of discussion with influential people around issues of concern to future generations.

This event will be held virtually, on Zoom, on November 11, 2021. Join us! Everyone is invited to participate ! 

Share and relay Les Cahiers de Doléances des Générations Futures

A concrete, realistic and ambitious political proposal bringing together the grievances and recommendations collected .

For more information on the program, do not hesitate to consult the program of the Climate Dialogues.

Ancre 3

Usual, gen. in plur . Complaint oral or written exposing a complaint seeking compensation or just to share a misfortune, a misfortune.

These notebooks want to remind governments that they must respect the principle of responsibility towards their citizens, and especially towards “future generations”. These famous future generations already exist and we want to come forward. Our grievances demand redress for the climate crisis. The solutions currently proposed as well as the national and international policies are not ambitious enough.  


Our grievance books, bringing together the recommendations written by the Delegation of Future Generations during COP-26, but also the recommendations, complaints, wishes that the project will have received, across Quebec, by the end of COP-26 , aim to constitute the advocacy of future generations against climate inaction. But they also represent our hopes, our visions and overall a concrete and realistic political proposal.


We say very realistic, because what we are asking for goes beyond ambition: it is a question of taking the necessary actions to preserve our future - to all of us.


Through these notebooks, we also want to be part of the actions that will have to be taken. More than a collection of complaints, the notebooks of future generations are a proposal for a transition that respects the principles of climate justice.  


Help us to complete the Cahiers de Doléances des Générations Futures by submitting your recommendation / complaint / wish. 

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